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A week in Mürren #1

After parking the van in the Schilthornbahn carpark at Stechelberg, we get in the queue for the cablecar up to Mürren, perched at 1650m atop the huge cliff in the Lauterbrunnen valley. There’s a massive engineering project going on to create a new station at Mürren, as well as in the valley. The ‘modern loading and unloading area’ is still under construction and it was a bit confusing where to go as we disembarked in the village. After a quick drink in the bar and confirmation about where the ‘Chalet Fontana’ is, we set off, lugging our rather heavy bags down the car-free street. Tim had already arrived, and John was due at 1800.

As with most of Europe, the Swiss Alps have suffered from a poor ski-ing season and we decided not to buy a ski-pass just yet. The advantage of Mürren over many resorts is that there’s plenty of other things to do apart from ski-ing. The photos tell the story of the first few days: an excellent chalet, varied weather, good and not so good snow for ski-ing, friendly bars and options for walking.