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The cave-dwellings of Guadix

We decided to head back towards the coast to make use of the newly repaired bikes and maybe have a swim. The weather forecast is also better down from the mountains. After patronising the local panadera in La Peza, we set off to have breakfast at the Francisco Abellan dam before heading on to see the famous Barrio of cave dwellings at Guadix. Having taken a wrong turn in the town, we asked the way from a group of Guardia Civil who seemed to have set up some sort of roadblock. After some discussion amongst themselves, two jumped into one of their vehicles and told us to follow them! We were duly escorted to the correct place to park in order to walk up to the Barrio. A friendly wave, and they were on their way leaving us to marvel at the view. There are around 2000 dwellings, dug into the rocky terrain, a weird conglomeration of white chimneys, antennae, white walls and doors peeping out of each roll of the land. The Moors are thought to have been the first inhabitants of the caves, though most date from the 15th or 16th centuries.

After leaving Guadix, we plan our route over the Sierra de Baza and down to the coast at Almeria.