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Home to la Herradura: the route map

Having left home just under six weeks ago, we’ve been in la Herradura for three weeks now – just one more week for Steve to finish his guitar! During the few dull days, including today, when it’s been quite chilly and raining, Bev’s spent some time crunching numbers and drawing an illustrated route map. From home to the Spanish border, just south of Perpignan, we drove 1860 km. with the next leg into Spain and south to la Herradura adding another 1429 km. Having got a stone chip that ‘grew’ into a long crack in the windscreen, we had to drive back to Malaga to have it replaced, taking the scenic return route via the Montes de Malaga.

Total mileage to date: 3497 km./2186 miles.
We’re averaging 26 mpg having spent just over £500 on fuel but not much on tolls this year, at just under £75.

Follow our route with some notes and photos on Google Maps