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Planning a month away in the van: July 2019

It was 2019 when we last travelled outside the UK, due to a mixture of Covid lockdowns and not feeling ready to ‘brave’ the Brexit restrictions on travel! That’s about to change for 2023, and to test out the new blog software, we’ve included a snapshot of the last trip. There’s some similar destinations but in the summer! Having crossed the North Sea from Harwich to the Hook of Holland, we drove south through Luxembourg to avoid the French motorways, then down the German side of the Rhine into Switzerland. We’re in search of a campsite, recommended by sailing friend Richard, at Grund, just below the Eiger.

After returning from Simon and Ricarda’s civil wedding at the Mairie in Paris, we spent a week at home to plan the next couple of months away, making sure everything we need is packed in the van and car, which we’ll take down to Suffolk leaving the car at the Marina while we’re away . . . After an expensive trip to ‘Outside’ in Hathersage to kit ourselves out with helmets, lanyards, guidebooks and a few new clothes, we leave Matlock on Thursday 27 June, 2019 ready for a week in Woodbridge, Suffolk before leaving for Switzerland in the van. 

We packed gear and clothes for all occasions! Bikes on the back of the van and cycling gear stowed, sailing gear ready for the summer cruise on our return (to be stored in the boat), climbing gear for the Alps, including via ferrata lanyards/helmets and an ice axe just in case, wedding clothes (and shoes), swimming gear, sunhats and woolly hats, scarves and gloves . . . not forgetting the wedding guestbook (made by Bev), case of Pimms, chutneys, big trays and cheeseboards for the wedding party in France on our return route – it involved quite a lot of lists and some careful stowing!
