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The road south to Millau

As usual, when deciding where to go, the weather forecast is an important factor. Looked like it’s going to be raining and dull at least as far south as Clermont Ferrand so we leave Saran at 0930 and take the A71 péage from Orléans. Hopefully, speeding down the autoroute, we’ll find the sunshine today! By mid morning, the sky began to brighten as the landscape changed to the vast area of volcanic plugs of the Auvergne and Massif Central. Leaving the A71 at Clermont Ferrand (the cost of €49 toll fees just about deserved by the improved weather), we joined the free autoroute A75 ‘la Méridienne’. We’re heading for Millau, famous for the viaduct over the Tarn valley, which neither of us has ever visited before. 

We stop mid-afternoon at the aire near Massiac in the Cantal, an interesting service area with information about archaeological finds made during construction of the A75. We’ve found a Camping-car park in Millau town centre with mixed reviews as to whether the advertised services are available. Asking if the water tap and electricity are actually working before checking in, we park up at 1800, fill up with water and plug in the electricity. The site is much better than anticipated . . . near the town centre and only a short walk for a view of the viaduct. After a very long day driving just over 350 miles, we walk into town to find a supermarket and stock up on provisions for supper in the van.