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Moving south: vultures, cheese and salt pans

After a very wet night, the morning dawned fair and we watched the vultures high above the cliffs above us, departing our quiet overnight pitch at 1030. We filled up with very reasonably priced fuel back in Millau and decided to visit Roquefort for a tour of the caves, as the weather was very dull and Bev loves the cheese! 

We arrived in Roquefort at 1230 to find the caves weren’t open until 2pm, so enjoyed lunch in a local cafe. After the excellent tour which included tasting a variety of award-winning cheeses, we headed south on the pèage towards the border, hoping to find some sunshine in Spain and to visit Barcelona, missed on our trip last year due to the poor weather. We stopped at 1830 near Narbonne at a Camping-car Park, Salins de la Palme, sited on somewhat derelict saltpans. Once again, it was very windy and wet overnight.
