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Change of plan: lots of birds then south to Dénia

After visiting the Parque Natural d’Albuferia da Valencia we’d intended to continue north and visit Barcelona on our way to Switzerland. However, the weather looks very poor for the weekend, so we head back south!

We enjoy a final few hours driving around the rice fields admiring the birds following the farmers as they plough the mud in glorious sunshine: cattle egret, little egret, glossy ibis, gulls, storks, heron, cormorants, marsh harrier, booted eagle, pigeons and more . . . Let the pictures tell the story, and there will be more to come once Steve’s edited his collection.

So, where next? There’s a rather expensive campsite, with very mixed reviews at Dénia, called Los Pinos. We call to enquire if there’s any space and, not only is there a pitch available, but concessions for ‘the retired’! We leave Albufera at 1600 and drive the hour down the motorway for a lovely welcome at Los Pinos. The receptionist didn’t speak English, but we managed very well in French – her grandfather owned the rather fine old house which is at the centre of the campsite and forms the reception area. There was time before dark for a walk along the beach just two or three minutes walk from our pitch as a little recce for the morning . . .